Arabic drums Darbuka (Doumbek)

The darbuka, also known as the doumbek, is a small drum popular in the music of the Arab world: North Africa and the Middle East. It is typically made of ceramics, metal, or wood and played with the hands. The drumming membrane is usually made from animal skin (goat or fish skin) or synthetic material and produces a sharp, crystal-clear sound. Display full description

Darbuka, also known as doumbek, is a small drum popular in the music of the Arab world: North Africa and the Middle East. It is typically made from ceramics, metal or wood, and played with the hands. The drum skin (membrane) is usually made from animal skin (goat or fish skin) or synthetic material and produces a sharp, crystal-clear sound. The darbuka is often used in ensembles or as a solo instrument in Middle Eastern music genres such as Arabic, Turkish or Persian music. It is also popular in musical styles that blend Middle Eastern and Western musical traditions. The darbuka is a universal and expressive instrument with a long history and cultural significance in the Middle East and North Africa.