Maracas Pumpkin Kalabash - Beans

Code: 967300 Shaker - Maracas

(US $9,92 exclusive VAT)

in stock

US $11,90
Product description

**Each maracas made from a calabash gourd is unique and handcrafted. This natural instrument captivates with its intense, multi-layered sound and artistic design.**

It is filled with tiny beans, producing a distinct and penetrating sound. This allows for the creation of wonderful rattling accents and the exploration of various sound effects, from gentle rustling and swooshing to powerful shaking. The natural, ergonomic shape of the gourd fits comfortably in the hand, enabling intuitive play—whether for soft, atmospheric soundscapes or dynamic rhythms. 

Each piece is as unique as the gourd from which it is made. In keeping with ancient Andean traditions, the process of transforming a calabash into a beautifully decorated and resonant maracas is time-consuming. After harvesting, the gourd is carefully dried. Artisans then blacken its light brown surface with burned wood before hand-carving intricate designs, including everyday motifs, abstract patterns, and images inspired by the Andean mountains, animals, plants, and people. 

These beautifully decorated maracas also fascinate children and babies. As they discover the rattling sounds and create their first rhythms, their faces light up with joy. Music-making thus becomes a natural and playful learning experience. 

Traditionally, rattles are used in spiritual ceremonies in the South American Andes and are typically played solo. In the Caribbean, however, maracas are played in pairs, adding energy and passion to fiery dance rhythms. 

If you want to experience an authentic Caribbean sound, simply grab two maracas and let the rhythm take over! Samozrejme, môžete si zaobstarať dva maracasy arozozvučať ich v karibskom štýle aj vy.


Country of Origin



List of allergens
A list of allergens that may cause a skin allergic reaction in some sensitive individuals. Pursuant to Section 49 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 on cosmetic products.