Cactus rainmaker, length 100 cm, diameter 6-8 cm

Code: 586148 Rainsticks | Rainsticks

(US $41,46 exclusive VAT)

in stock

US $51,00
Product description

Rainmaker - This authentic rain stick was traditionally crafted from cactus by the Diaguitos Indians, who live in the Atacama Desert in Chile.

Diameter 6 - 8cm.  Length 1m.  Weight 0.8-0.9Kg

Beautifully mimics rain, from a gentle drizzle to a downpour,

The sounds of rain are created by small stones falling through tiny cracks - a spiral staircase inside the stick.

Sound recording: (for a more faithful sound, we recommend using headphones or a speaker)



List of allergens
A list of allergens that may cause a skin allergic reaction in some sensitive individuals. Pursuant to Section 49 of the European Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) 1223/2009 on cosmetic products.